Phiz's Illustrations for Nicholas Nickleby (1838-39)
- Cover for Monthly Parts
- Frontispiece, Portrait of Charles Dickens, from a Painting by Daniel Maclise, A. R. A. (published in serial with the last number), engraved by Finden (October 1839)
- 1. I. A. Mr. Ralph Nickleby's First Visit to His Poor Relations (April 1838), Chapter 3
- 2. II. B. The Yorkshire Schoolmaster at The Saracen's Head (April 1838), Chapter 4
- 3. I. A. Nicholas Starts for Yorkshire (May 1838), Chapter 5
- 4. II. B. The Five Sisters of York (May 1838), Chapter 6
- 5. I. A. The Internal Economy of Dotheboys Hall (June 1838), Chapter 8
- 6. II. B. Kate Nickleby Sitting to Miss La Creevy (June 1838), Chapter 10
- 7. I. IV. A. Newman Noggs Leaves the Ladies in the Empty House (July 1838), Chapter 11
- 8. II. IV. B. Nicholas Astonishes Mr. Squeers and Family (July 1838), Chapter 13
- 9. I. V. A. Nicholas Engaged as Tutor in a Private Family (August 1838), Chapter 16
- 10. II. V. B. Madame Mantalini Introduces Kate to Miss Knag (August 1838), Chapter 17
- 11. I. VI. A. Miss Nickleby Introduced to her Uncle's Friends (September 1838), Chapter 19
- 12. II. VI. B. Mr. Ralph Nickleby's "Honest" Composure (September 1838), Chapter 20
- 13. I. VII. A. The Professional Gentlemen at Madame Mantalini's (October 1838), Chapter 21
- 14. II. VII. B. The Country Manager Rehearses a Combat (October 1838), Chapter 22
- 15. I. VIII. A. The Great Bespeak for Miss Snevellicci (November 1838), Chapter 24
- 16. II. VIII. B. Nicholas Instructs Smike in the Art of Acting (November 1838), Chapter 25
- 17. I. IX. A. Affectionate Behaviour of Messrs. Pyke and Pluck (December 1838), Chapter 27
- 18. II. IX. B. Nicholas Hints at the Probability of His Leaving the Company (December 1838), Chapter 29
- 19. I. X. A. Theatrical Emotion of Mr. Vincent Crummles (January 1839), Chapter 30
- 20. II. X. B. Nicholas Attracted by the Mention of His Sister's Name in the Coffee-Room (January 1839), Ch. 32
- 21. I. XI. A. Mr. and Mrs. Mantalini in Ralph Nickleby's Office (February 1839), Chapter 34
- 22. II. XI. B. Emotion of Mr. Kenwigs on Hearing the Family News from Nicholas (February 1839), Chapter 36
- 23. I. XII A. Mr. Linkinwater Intimates His Approval of Nicholas (March 1839), Chapter 37
- 24. II. XII. B. A Sudden Recognition, Unexpected on Both Sides (March 1839), Chapter 38
- 25. I. XIII. A Nicholas Recognizes the Young Lady Unknown (April 1839), Chapter 40
- 26. II. XIII. B. The Gentleman Next Door Declares His Passion for Mrs. Nickleby (April 1839), Chapter 41
- 27. I. XIV. A. Mr. Mantalini Poisons Himself for the Seventh Time (May 1839), Chapter 44
- 28. II. XIV. B. Mr. Snawley Enlarges on Parental Instinct (May 1839), Chapter 45
- 29. I. XV. A. Nicholas Makes His First Visit to Mr. Bray (June 1839), Chapter 46
- 30. II. XV. B. The Consultation (June 1839), Chapter 47
- 31. I. XVI. A. Mysterious Appearance of the Gentleman in Small-Clothes (July 1839), Chapter 49
- 32. II. XVI. B. The Last Brawl between Sir Mulbery and His Pupil (July 1839), Chapter 50
- 33. I. XVII. A. Great Excitement of Miss Kenwigs at the Hairdresser's Shop (August 1839), Chapter 52
- 34. II. XVII. B. Nicholas Congratulates Arthur Gride on His Wedding Morning (August1839), Chapter 54
- 35. I. XVIIl. A. Mr. Squeers and Mrs. Sliderskew Unconscious of Visitors (September 1839), Chapter 57
- 36. II. XVIII. B. The Recognition (September 1839), Chapter 58
- 37. I. XIX-XX. A. Reduced Circumstances of Mr. Mantalini (September 1839), Chapter 64
- 38. II. XIX-XX. B. The Breaking-up of Dotheboys Hall (October 1839), Chapter 64
- 39. III. XIX-XX. C. The Children at their Cousin's Grave (October 1839), Chapter 65.

Dickens, Charles. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Illustrated by Phiz (Hablot Knight Browne). London: Chapman and Hall, 1839.
Dickens, Charles. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Ed. Andrew Lang. Illustrated by 'Phiz' (Hablot Knight Browne). The Gadshill Edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1897. 2 vols.
Lester Valerie Browne. Chapter 8., "Travels with Boz." Phiz: The Man Who Drew Dickens. London: Chatto and Windus, 2004. Pp. 58-69.
Steig, Michael. Chapter 2. "The Beginnings of 'Phiz': Pickwick, Nickleby, and the Emergence from Caricature." Dickens and Phiz. Bloomington & London: Indiana U. P., 1978. Pp. 214-50.
Vann, J. Don. "Dickens's The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby." Victorian Novels in Serial. New York: MLA, 1988. Pp. 63-64.
Last modified 24 November 2019