lthough the 1893 reprinting of Chapman and Hall's The Uncommercial Traveller from the Illustrated Library Edition of 1868 specifically credits "Marcus Stone" with all eight illustrations, the Centenary Edition of 1911 stipulates on the title-page "with 8 illustrations by G. J. Pinwell and W. M." Frederick G. Kitton in Dickens and His Illustrators (1899) certainly attributes four of the eight illustrations to Pinwell for the 1868 Illustrated Library Edition's volume under "Illustrators of Cheap Editions," but in his chapter devoted to the work of Marcus Stone, R. A., mentions among the Cheap Editions Stone illustrated only Little Dorrit (the frontispiece), Great Expectations (eight illustrations), Pictures from Italy (four illustrations), A Child's History of England (eight illustrations), and A Tale of Two Cities (the frontispiece). The 1911 Centenary Edition in addition to giving "W. M." as the originator of the four wood-engravings which the 1893 volume attributes to Marcus Stone states:

In 1875 the volume appeared in the "Illustrated Library Edition," with a further addition of eight papers. . . . . This Edition contains all the emendations made in the text as revised by the Author in 1867 and 1868, and reproductions of the illustrations done for the "Library" Edition. — Philip V. Allingham
- Leaving the Morgue — Pinwell
- A City Personage — Pinwell
- "This is a sweet spot, ain't it? A lovely spot!" — Pinwell
- Laundresses — WM [no image yet]
- Time and His Wife — Pinwell
- A Phenomenon at Titbull's — WM [no image yet]
- Poodles Going the Round — WM [no image yet]
Created 27 January 2015
Last modifed 20 September 2024