1860-1861: Harper's Weekly (New York): illus. by John McLenan. 24 November, 1860 to 3 August 1861. 40 illustrations: 36 regular (captioned) plates plus six chapter headnote (uncaptioned) vignettes.
1862: Library Edition (London: Chapman & Hall): illus. by Marcus Stone, 8 plates.
1868: The Charles Dickens Edition (reprinted the Marcus Stone plates).
1875: Household Edition (London: Chapman & Hall): illus. by F. A. Fraser, 28 plates.
1885: Pailthorpe's illustrations keyed to the 1861 edition's pages (London: Robson & Kerslake), 20 plates plus frontispiece (vignetted).
1892: The Macmillan Edition (re-print of the 1861 edition), 21 vols.
1897: The Gadshill Edition (London: Chapman & Hall): illus. by Charles Green, 10 plates.
1899: Nelson's New Century Library Edition, illus. by John A. Bacon.
1901-2: The London Edition (London: Caxton).
1901-3: Temple Edition, illus. by John A. Bacon.
1901-6: The Authentic Edition (with coloured frontispiece).
1910: The Charles Dickens Library Edition, illus. by Harry Furniss, 27 plates.
1910: The Waverley Edition (London: Waverley), illus. by Charles Pears, 4 plates.
1901-3: The Imperial Edition, 16 vols. (London: Gresham), illus. by H. M. Brock, 8 plates.
1937: Limited Editions (Edinburgh: R. and R. Clark), intro. George Bernard Shaw, illus. by Gordon Ross.
1939: The Heritage Edition (New York), il. Edward Ardizzone. 64 plates, the majority (57) being uncaptioned pen-and-ink chapter-heading vignettes, the minority (6) being full-page colour illustrations with titles.

Last Modified 1 November 2005