Biographical Materials
Critical discussions
Young Brown in the 1874 Cornhill Magazine
Dickens's Great Expectations
- Pip Waits on Miss Havisham
- Old Orlick Among the Cinders
- Lecturing on Capital
- A Rubber at Miss Havisham's
- Taking Leave of Joe
- "Don't Go Home"
- On the Marshes, by the Lime-kiln
- With Estella after all

Dickens's A Child's History of England
- Alfred in the Neatherd's Cottage
- The Finding of the Body of Rufus
- Arthur and Hubert
- The Intercession of Queen Philippa for the Citizens of Calais
- Joan of Arc Tending Her Flock
- Queen Margaret and the Robbers
- Lady Jane Grey Watching the Body of Her Husband Being Carried Past the Window after Execution
- Charles I. Taking Leave of His Children

Dickens's Our Mutual Friend
- The Bird of Prey (May, 1864)
- Witnessing the Agreement (May, 1864)
- At the Bar (June, 1864)
- Mr. Venus surrounded by the Trophies of his Art (June, 1864)
- The Boffin Progress (July, 1864)
- The Happy Pair (July, 1864)
- Podsnappery (August, 1864)
- Waiting for Father (August, 1864)
- The Bird of Prey brought down (Sept., 1864)
- Mrs. Boffin discovers an Orphan (Sept., 1864)
- The Person of the House and the Bad Child (Oct., 1864)
- Bringing him in (Oct., 1864)
- The Garden on the Roof (Nov., 1864)
- Forming the Domestic Virtues (Nov., 1864)
- Pa's Lodger and Pa's Daughter (Dec., 1864)
- Our Johnny (Dec., 1864)
- Miss Riderhood at Home< (Jan., 1865)
- More Dead Than Alive (Jan., 1865)
- The Boofer Lady (Feb., 1865)
- A Friend in Need (Feb., 1865)
- Trying on for the Dolls' Dressmaker (March, 1865)
- Rogue Riderhood's Recovery (March, 1865)
- Bibliomania of the Golden Dustman (April, 1865)
- The Dutch Bottle (1865 frontispiece, vol. 2)
- The Evil Genius of the House of Boffin (April, 1865)
- The Flight (May, 1865)
- Three-penn'orth Rum (May, 1865)
- Mr. Fledgeby departs on his Errand of Mercy (June, 1865)
- Mr. Wegg prepares a Grindstone for Mr. Boffin's Nose (June, 1865)
- Bella Righted by the Golden Dustman (July, 1865)
- The Lovely Woman has her Fortune told (July, 1865)
- In the Lock-Keeper's House (August, 1865)
- The Wedding Dinner at Greenwich (August, 1865)
- The Parting by the River (Sept., 1865)
- Better to be Abel than Cain (Sept., 1865)
- Miss Wren fixes her idea (Oct., 1865)
- Eugene's bedside (Oct., 1865)
- Lightwood at last (Nov. 1865)
- Mr. Boffin does the Honours the Nursery Door (Nov., 1865)
- Not to be shaken off (Nov., 1865)
- The Boffin Progress (colorized as the Scribner's frontispiece, 1901)
- The Fourth Monthly Wrapper (August, 1864)

American Notes for General Circulation

Pictures from Italy
Trollope's He Knew He was Right (Vol. 2)
Works other than illustrations
Allingham, Philip V. "The Illustrations for Great Expectations in Harper's Weekly (1860-61) and in the Illustrated Library Edition (1862) — 'Reading by the Light of Illustration'." Dickens Studies Annual, Vol. 40 (2009): 113-169.

Bentley, Nicolas, Michael Slater, and Nina Burgis. The Dickens Index. Oxford and New York: Oxford U. P., 1988.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Illustrated by Marcus Stone. The Illustrated Library Edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1862. Rpt. in The Nonesuch Dickens, Great Expectations and Hard Times. London: Nonesuch, 1937; Overlook and Worth Presses, 2005.
Dickens, Charles. The Uncommercial Traveller. Illustrated by Marcus Stone [George Pinwell and "M. W."]. Illustrated Library Edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1895.
Stein, Robert A. "Dickens and Illustration." The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens. Ed. John O. Jordan. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 2001. 167-188.
Trollope, Anthony. He Knew He was Right. 2 vols. London: Alexander Strahan, 1869.
Watts, Alan S. "Why Wasn't Great Expectations Illustrated?" The Dickens Magazine. Haslemere, Surrey: Bishops Printers. Series 1, Issue 2, pp. 8-9.
Waugh, Arthur. "Charles Dickens and His Illustrators." Retrospectus and Prospectus: The Nonesuch Dickens. London: Bloomsbury, 1937, rpt. 2003. Pp. 6-52.
Created 24 December 2018 Last modified 13 May 2023