Biographical material, including portraits
- The “Sensuous Education” of Henry James
- “Something Perpetually Fine Going On”: Henry James on the Religion of His Upbringing
- James meets Richard Monckton Milnes
- Friendship with Charles George Milnes Gaskell
- James’s Experience of the English Country House
- James at Wenlock Edge and Buildwas Abbey
- Was Henry James a Victorian?
- James on Business, Social Class, and Respectability in Victorian England and America
Portraits and Photographs of Places James Lived
- Henry James; William James (studio photograph)
- Henry and William James at Lamb House, September 1900
- Lamb House, West Street, Rye
- The Garden at Lamb House, Rye
- Henry James (later portrait by John Singer Sargent)
- Portrait of Henry James, Esq. by Jacques-Emile Blanche
- James’s experience of British Evangelical Sundays, The Princess Casamassima, and The Aspern Papers
- The Princess Casamassima and Shropshire landscape
- Jack Clayton's Adaptation of The Turn of the Screw in The Innocents: A Critical Discussion and Evaluation
Writings on Victorian painting and book illustration

- Edward A. Abbey (entire essay)
- Charles C. Reinhart
- Charles C. Reinhart (from “Black and White)”
- Alfred Parsons (entire essay)
- Notes on Whistler vs Ruskin
Discussions of London by Henry James
- The Romance of a Winter Afternoon in London
- The Fog, Smog, and Skies over London
- London and Paris Compared
- Green Park
- “London melts by wide, ugly zones into the green country”

The Literary Relations of Henry James: Sources, Influences, Confluences, and Opinions
- The Literary Relations of Henry James: Sources, Influences, Confluences, and Opinions
- James’s Personal Acquaintance with Other Authors
- James Writings Compared to Those by Other Authors
Last modified 16 April 2020