
The Shaving of Shagpat
- Henry Arthur Payne's The Enchanted Sea
- Frederick Sandys's Bhanavar the Beautiful
- Orientalists Painters: British Artists of the Mid and Far East
- Arthur Boyd Houghton's illustrations to the Arabian Nights
Meredith as Subject
- Max Beerbohm's caricature: "George Meredith's Hortation
- Bronze commemorative medallion by T. S. Simson
Illustrating Meredith's Works
- Meredith and His Illustrators
- Millais's The Crown of Life
- Keene's Illustrations and social comedy: George Meredith's Evan Harrington
- Walter Crane's illustration for Farina
- Discussion of an illustration for The Adventures of Harry Richmond by George du Maurier
- Harrison Miller's Frontispiece for The Ordeal of Richard Feverel
- The Old Chartist (frontispiece to Poems)
- Juggling Jerry by Phiz
Last modified 9 December 2014