Introductory Materials
Theme and technique
- Theme and Subject
- Plot and narrative structure
- Genre, mode, and style
- Imagery, symbol, and motif
- Setting and description
- Characterization
- Literary relations: sources, influences, confluences
- Victorian authors

Cultural Contexts (sitemaps for sections outside individual authors = ***)
- The Idylls and Victorian art — illustrations and relation of Victorian medievalism
- Social and political themes and contexts
- Religion — themes and contexts
- Economic themes and contexts***
- Victorian political history***
- Victorian social history***
Other Resources
- E.D.H. Johnson’s The Alien Vision of Victorian Poetry (Princeton, 1952) — complete text in the Victorian Web
- James R. Kincaid’s Tennyson’s Major Poems (Yale UP, 1975) — complete text in the Victorian Web
- Related web resources
- Leading questions
- Victorian Web homepage
Created 12 September 2015