Victorian images and discussions

Modern photographs (2000)
- Gallery 1 (11 photographs)
- Gallery 2 — night and morning (14 photographs)
- Gallery 3 — the Southern end (14 photographs)
- Gallery 4 (15 photographs)
Individual stupas and other details
- The principal pagoda silhouetted against an evening sky at sunset
- The central stupa illuminated by sunset
- Entrance to a white-painted stupa
- The green-roofed northern staircase in the morning sun
- Looking from east to west at the southern end of the complex
- An unusual pagoda at the center of the southern end
- Looking toward the North Gate
- Worshippers at one of the small central shrines
- Golden pinnacles
- A large bell
- The bejewelled flag surmounting the main pagoda
- The Northern entrance
- Three workers scrubbing the marble tiles before one of the shrines at the south-west corner
- Woman resting in the shade with her sleeping baby--her offerings are in a carrier bag in front of her
- A temple on the west side decorated with painted bas-reliefs inside and out — almost diorama
- The reclining Buddha who was resting and not in Nirvana; to the left a man appropriately takes a nap
- The altar for Wednesday evening
- The largest Buddha image at Schewedagon
- An Indian-style pagoda covered with images;
- The northern quadrant of the complex
- Column with mirror-glass
Last modified 15 December 2015