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Biographical material

- A Biographical Introduction
- Monument to Sullivan, Embankment Gardens, London, by William Goscombe John
- Comic Style and Character Psychology in the Music of Arthur Sullivan
- Sex and and Gender in Gilbert & Sullivan
Related Material
Baily, Leslie. The Gilbert and Sullivan Book. London: Spring Books, 1996; orig. pub. London: Cassell. 1952, revd 1956.
Bradley, Ian, ed. The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996; revd edn, orig. pub. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1982.
Brahms, Caryl. Gilbert and Sullivan: Lost Chords and Discords. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1975.
Cannadine, David. 'Gilbert and Sullivan: The Making and Un-Making of a British "Tradition"', Roy Porter (ed.), Myths of the English Cambridge: Polity Press: 1992. 12-32.
Dunhill, Thomas F. Sullivan’s Comic Operas: A Critical Appreciation. London: Edward Arnold, 1928.
Findon, B.W “Sullivan as a Composer” an essay included in Lawrence, Sir Arthur Sullivan. 188-326.
Gilbert, William Schwenck. The Story of the Mikado. London: Daniel O'Connor, 1921.
Jacobs, Arthur. Arthur Sullivan: A Victorian Musician. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1984.
Lawrence, Arthur. Sir Arthur Sullivan: life Story; letters, and Reminiscences. London: James Bowden: 1899.
Scott, Derek B. Sounds of the Metropolis: The 19th-Century Popular Music Revolution in London, New York, Paris, and Vienna. New York: Oxford University Press: 2008.
Scott, Derek B. Musical Style and Social Meaning. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, and Sir William Schenk Gilbert. Ivanhoe. A Romantic Opera with libretto by Julian Sturgis is available on 3 CDs from Pearl/Pavilion Records Ltd, Sparrows Green, Wadhurst, E. Sussex, England.
Williamson, Audrey. Gilbert and Sullivan Opera: A New Assessment. Rev. ed. London: Boyars, 1982; orig. pub. Rockliff, 1953.
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Last modified 23 February 2017