John Phillip, 1817-1867. Artist (in his studio). John Ballantyne (1815-1897). c. 1864. Oil on canvas. 71.10 x 92.10 cm. Collection: National Galleries Scotland. Accession no. PG 626, purchased 1923. Reproduced here under the terms of the Creative Commons CC by NC licence. [Click on the images to enlarge them.]

The corner table, detail.
John Phillip is shown in his studio in Kensington, in another of his series of paintings of artists with one of their best-known paintings on the easel. Here, the painting is Phillip's Spanish Contrabamdistas of 1858, and the artist is busy assembling his paints on his palette before returning to it. "Spanish Phillip" is surrounded by evidence of his focus on painting Spanish subjects, even down to onions beside a basket of fruit on the table in the left hand corner. His own framed partial copy of Velasquez's Las Meminas can be seen on the wall at the side. — Jacqueline Banerjee
Links to related material
"John Phillip. Artist (in his studio)." National Galleries Scotland. Web. 1 August 2022.
Created 1 August 2022