Biographical material

Georg Koberwein (1820-1876)
Portraits in Oil
- The Four Eldest Children of Crown Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia, 1865
- Prince Henry of Prussia (1862-1929)
- Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1864-66)
- Queen Victoria (1819-1901)
Chalk Portraits
Rosa Fulton, née Koberwein (1855-1911)

Georgina Koberwein Terrell (1856-1939)
Millar, Oliver. The Victorian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen. Cambridge: Cambrdge University Press, 1992.
Nicholson. Shirley. A Victorian Household, Based on the Diaries of Marion Sambourne. Cheltenham, Glos.: The History Press, 2005.
Pakula, Hannah. An Uncommon Woman: The Empress Frederick, Daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm. New York: Touchstone, 1997.
Created 13 October 2024