Wells ... commenced his artistic career ... when, at the age of fourteen, he was apprenticed to become a miniature painter and producer of chalk portraits at Messrs Dickens [should be Dickinson, surely], a print selling and stationer's business at 114 Bond Street. — Katie J.T. Herrington, p.3
It is clear that Wells had very highly developed drawing skills... — Joyce H. Townsend, p.131

Herrington, Katie J.T., ed. "Introduction." Victorian Artists and Their World, 1844-1861, as Reflected in the Papers of Joanna and George Boyce and Henry Wells, by Herrington et al. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2024. 1-16. [Review of whole book]
Townsend, J. "Paint and Painting: The Virtues and Trials of Practices Exchanged by Word of Mouth." Victorian Artists and Their World, 1844-1861, as Reflected in the Papers of Joanna and George Boyce and Henry Wells, edited by Katie J.T. Herrington. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2024. 123-44.
Created 18 July 2024