- The Great Pylon at Edfou
- Wady Kardassy
- Dender
- South End of the Island of Phile
- The Broken Obelisk, Karnac
- Assouan
- Pillars in the Great Hall, Karnac
- Kuom Ombo, Upper Egypt
- The Sphinx and Great Pyramid, Geezeh
- View at Luxor
- Cleopatra’s Temple at Erment near Thebes
- The Statues of Memnon, Plain of Thebes
- Cleopatra’s Temple at Erment
- Entrance to the Great Temple, Luxor
- View at Luxor
- Abou Simmel, Nubia
- Crocodile on a Sand-Bank
- Colossi and Sphinx at Wady Saboua
- Hall of Columns, Karnac
- Sculptures from the Outer Wall, Dendera
- Portion of the Great Temple, Luxor (The Government Corn Stores)
- Sculptured Gateway, Karnac
- Interior Court of Medinet Haboo
- The Memnonium Thebes from the Plain
- Ostride Pillars and Great Fallen Colossus, the Memnonium Thebes

Related Material
Frith, Francis. Egypt and Palestine. 2 vols. London: James S. Virtue, 1858-1859. Hathi Trust Digital Library online version of a copy at the Getty Research Institute. Web. 3 August 2020.
Last modified 4 August 2020