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Biographical materials

- Sitemap
- Introduction: Charles Darwin (1809-1882) gentleman naturalist
- A Darwin Chronology
- Charles Darwin's appearance: how he talked, how he moved, what he wore
- Turning points and influences in Darwin's life
- Darwin almost becomes a clergyman
- Chapter II of Charles Darwin's autobiography (text)
- Darwin as Autobiographer
- Becoming Charles Darwin: Travel Experiences, Personal Writings, and the Genesis of a Scientific Theory (abstract)
Literature and literary relations
- Sitemap
- Darwin's works
- Theme and subject in The Voyage Of The Beagle
- Darwin's Imagery: The Tree and the Tree of Life
- How did the stones get there? A Darwinian Act of Interpretation
- Chapter II of Charles Darwin's autobiography (text)
- ‘No such thing as a flower ...no such thing as a man’: John Ruskin’s response to Darwin
- Darwin on Thomas Carlyle
- Tennyson and Evolution (2): Was he a proto-Darwinian or a proto-Gouldian?
- Charles Kingsley's The Water Babies and the Origins Debate
- “The hills are shadows, and they flow from form to form, and nothing stands” — Tennyson, Ruskin, and Darwin as sages
- Meredith's Evan Harrington, The Adventures of Harry Richmond, and the Evolutionary Debate of the 1860s
- Darwin on “the accuracy and fulness of Macaulay's memory”
- [Review of] George Levine's Darwin the Writer
- Darwin and narrative realism
- Darwin's Use of Probability and Analogy
- Selections from Francis Orpen Morris's All the Articles of the Darwin Faith
- [Review of] Renée Bergland's Natural Magic: Emily Dickinson, Charles Darwin, and the Dawn of Modern Science

Charles Darwin, Victorian Biology, and Evolution
- Sitemap
- Darwin and the Scientific Naturalist View of Truth
- Darwin and the Removal of Design
- Darwin's Theory of Evolution and the Intellectual Ferment of the Mid- and Late Victorian Periods
- Darwin and Evolution Timeline
- Darwin and Evolution
- Darwin's Imagery: The Tree and the Tree of Life
- Darwin's Ancestors: The Evolution of Evolution
- Darwin's Demiurge: Natural Selection & Rhetorical Paradox
- "Embryology from Aristotle to Darwin," by Diana Edelman
- Richard Kaye on Darwin's Theories of Sexual Selection and Victorian Culture
- What actually happened at the 1860 Wilberforce-Huxley debate?
Politics and society
- Sitemap
- “I shall never again visit a slave-country” — Darwin against slavery
- The antislavery movement in Great Britain
- “The warfare is too bloody to last”: Exterminating Indians in Argentina
- Was Darwin Racist?: A Review of Charles De Paolo's The Ethnography of Charles Darwin: A Study of His Writings on Aboriginal Peoples
- The Lost World in the context of Darwinism, imperialism, and South American history
- Darwin, Galton, and Eugenics
- Political history in the age of Victoria
- Social history in the age of Victoria
- Sitemap
- Darwin's views of religion: his agnosticism and his reasons for rejecting Christianity
- William Paley and Natural Theology
- Darwin and the Removal of Design
- Darwin's Theory of Evolution and the Intellectual Ferment of the Mid- and Late Victorian Periods
- Patrick Fairbairn and Evangelical belief that evolution is a central principle of the Bible and scared history
- "Darwin's world is full of wonder and awe (Levine)
- Tennyson and Evolution (2): Was he a proto-Darwinian or a proto-Gouldian?
- Darwin's Imagery: The Tree and the Tree of Life
Visual arts
- Sitemap
- Charles Darwin, seated figure in marble by Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (London)
- Charles Darwin, full length statue in marble by Léon-Joseph Chavalliaud (Liverpool)
- Charles Darwin, replica of painting by Sir John Everett Millais in the National Portrait Gallery
- Woolner's Puck and the matter of pointed ears
- The visual arts in the age of Victoria
Last modified 26 September 2023