Engineers — stainedglass by Stephen Adams, Glasgow
- William George Armstrong
- William Henry Barlow
- Sir Joseph Bazalgette
- Marc Brunel
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel
- William Tierney Clark
- Sir Henry Cole
- John Sydney Crossley (1812-1879)
- John Smeaton
- William Haywood (1821-1894)
- James Henry Greathead
- William T. Mulvaney
- James Hall Nasmyth
- John Urpeth Rastrick (1780-1856)
- David Boswell Reid
- Robert Stephenson (locomotives, railways, and bridges)
- George Stephenson
- Alan Stevenson
- David Stevenson
- Robert Stevenson (lighthouses)
- Thomas Stevenson (lighthouse illumination)
- Thomas Telford
- Sir Joseph Whitworth
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Related Materials
- Engineering Wonders of the Victorian Age
- Tunnels and tunneling
- The Great Inventors
- The Contractors, Great and Not so Great
- Civil Engineering in the Victorian Age
- The Institution of Civil Engineers
Last modified 11 January 2020