Some Authors who lived and wrote about both sides of the Atlantic

Political History
- Mark Twain on the Crimean War
- Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Carlyle, and John Brown
- Jamaica and the Governor Eyre Affair
- The American Civil War
American Artists in the U. K.

British Artists in the U. S.
American Illustrators of books by British Authors
- Edwin Austin Abbey
- Felix O. C. Darley
- E. Duncan
- Harry C. Edwards
- Sol Eytinge, Jr.
- A. B. Frost
- William Jewett
- John McLenan
- Willy Pogány
- Thomas Nast
- Charles S. Reinhart
- William Sharp (Leon Schleifer)
- John French Sloan
- James MacNeill Whistler
- British Railways vs. American Railroads
- The Atlantic Telegraph Cable Breaks and Is Later Recovered
- The Laying of Submarine Cable -- The Triumph of Brunel's "Great Eastern" on 27 July 1866
- Timeline of Submarine Telegraphy
- Politics of communication: The Laying of the Cable -- John (UK) and Jonathan (USA) Joining Hands
- The Atlantic Cable (broadside)
- Robert Dudley and The Atlantic Telegraph
Last modified 8 May 2019