Biographical and Critical Discussions

- Biography
- The Doyles; A Talented Victorian Family of Artists and Writers
- Doyle as a Satirist and Parodist
- New Readings in the Art of Richard Doyle
- Doyle and the Conventions of Fairy Art
- Principal Books illustrated by Doyle
- Coloured wood-engravings and chromolithographs
- Watercolors
- Bookcover designs

Doyle's The Eglinton Tournament (1840)
Doyle's The Christening Procession of Prince Taffy (1842)

- HRH the Prince of Wales
- Dignitaries in Christening Procession
- Members of the Household
- The Life Guards
The Chimes by Charles Dickens (1843)

The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens (1843)
The Battle of Life by Charles Dickens (1843)

Illustrations for Anthony Montalba's Fairy Tales from All Nations (1849)
Ruskin's The King of the Golden River (1851)
- Cover and back of First Edition
- Frontispiece
- Title Page
- Half Title
- Decorative letters "IN" (Ch. I)
- Decorative letter "S" (Ch. II)
- Gluck and His Visitor
- Decorative initial "T" (Ch. III)
- Hans drinks from his flask
- Decorative initial "P" (Ch. IV)
- Schwartz climbed the steep rock path
- Decorative initial "W" (Ch. V)
- He went to the priest, and the priest gave him some holy wate
- Gluck revives the young child
- Schwartz and Hans drink while Gluck works
- Gluck looks out the window at Treasure Valley

The Scouring of the White Horse by Thomas Hughes (1859)

- Title Page
- Frontispiece [The Great Battle of Ashdown in 871 AD]
- Decorative initial [Richard Easy and his Employer]
- The White Horse
- St. George and the Dragon
- Gathering at the White Horse Fair
- Backswording
- Footrace
- Chasing the Greased Pig
Illustrations for Douglas Jerrold's Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures (1866)
The satirical Punch articles which Douglas Jerrold wrote about the henpecked Job Caudle and his termagent wife, the verbose Mrs. Margaret Caudle, first appeared in volume form shortly after their periodical appearances concluded in November 1845. In 1866 for the third edition, Jerrold commissioned the highly competent black-and-white illustrator Charles Keene to complement the work of the original illustrators John Leech and Richard Doyle.
Nine Illustrations for W. M. Thackeray's The Rose and The Ring (1898)

- Prince Giglio (Ch. VI)
- Princess Angelica (Ch. VII)
- The Lord Chancellor (Ch. VIII)
- Betsinda and the Bed-warming Pan (Ch. VIII)
- The Rivals (Ch. VIII)
- Betsinda (Ch. XII)
- King Giglio in a Disturbed State of Mind (Ch. XVI)
- "Do you yield yourself a prisoner, Padella?" (Ch. XVII)
- Master Bulbo Transformed (Ch. XVIII)
- Jack the Giant Killer
- The Sleeping Beauty
- Rebecca and Rowena
- A Railway Station . . . Showynge ye Travellers Refreshyng Themselvess
- A Science and Art Conversazione
- Elves engaged upon the Restoration of Jacob Pout's Enchanted Doll
- The Foreign Tour of Brown, Jones and Robinson
- Dick Doyle Surrounded by Malevolent Fairies
- Front cover of Punch
Related Material, including other illustrators in the Doyle family
Cooke, Simon. 'A Forgotten Illustration by Richard Doyle.'Studies in Illustration, 26 (Spring 2004): 32-34.
Cooke, Simon. 'Notable Books: Richard Doyle's In Fairyland'. The Private Library, Fifth Series, 8:4 (Winter 2005): 153-171.
Engen, Rodney. Richard Doyle. Stroud: The Catalpa Press, 1983.
Engen, Rodney, Michael Hesletine, and Lionel Lambourne. Richard Doyle and His Family. Exhibition catalogue. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1983.
Hambourg, Daria. Richard Doyle. London: Art & Technics, 1948.
Jerrold, Douglas William. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. London: R. Brimley Johnson, 1866.
Jerrold, Douglas William. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1856.
Maas, Jeremy. Victorian Painting. London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1978.
Muir, Percy. Victorian Illustrated Books. London: Batsford, 1971; revised ed., 1985.
The Brothers Dalziel, A Record of Work, 1840-1890. Foreword by Graham Reynolds. 1901; reprinted London: Batsford, 1978.
Thackeray, W. M. The Christmas Books of M. A. Titmarsh. With illustrations by Richard Doyle and Thackeray. London: Smith. Elder, 1898.
Created 23 September 2017 last modified 15 August 2022