Regarded as one of the flamboyant characters of the age, who covered everything from the Crimean War to the art of Hogarth, Sala became well-known for his prolixity and self-indulgence. Less familiar is the fact that he had a parallel, albeit limited, career as a painter and graphic artist. — Simon Cooke

Biographical and Critical Material
- George Augustus Sala as Illustrator
- George Augustus Sala with Rossetti, by Max Beerbohm
- A Letter (with sketches) to Linley Sambourne
The Great Exhibition: ‘Wot is to Be’
- The Arts and Manufactures of Turkey
- The Arts and Manufactures of Ireland
- Miscellaneous Arts and Manufactures
- The Arts and Manufactures of Switzerland and Italy
Blake, Peter. George Augustus Sala: The Personal Style of a Public Writer. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Sussex, 2010.
The Comic Game of the Great Exhibition. London: Spooner, 1851.
Edwards, Peter. ëGeorge Augustus Sala and his Panorama: The Great Exhibition: ‘Wot is to be'í. Fryer Folios 1 (2006): 13-15.
Sala, G. A. The Great Exhibition: ‘Wot is to Be’. London: The Committee for Keeping Things in Their Places [Ackermann], 1850
Sala, G. A. The Great Glass House Opened. London: The Company of Painters and Glaziers [Ackermann], 1851.
Sala, G. A. The House that Paxton Built. London: Ironbrace, Woodenheard [Ackermann], 1851.
Sala, G. A. The Life and Adventures of George Augustus Sala. 2 Vols. New York: Scribner’s, 1895.
Created 1 September 2021