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Female Authors Discussed in the Victorian Web

- Jehoshaphat Aspin
- Annie Besant
- Catherine Mumford Booth, 1829-90
- Mary F. E. Boscawen
- Anna Eliza Bray
- Charlotte Brontë
- Emily Brontë
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Mona Caird (Mona Alison, 1854?-1932)
- Marie Corelli
- Mary Coleridge
- Dinah Mulock Craik
- George Egerton (Mary Chavelita Dunne, 1859-1945)
- George Eliot
- Julia Horatia Ewing
- Emily Faithfull
- Marianne Farningham
- Elizabeth Gaskell
- Catherine Gore
- Sarah Grand (pseudonym of Frances Elizabeth Clarke, 1854-1943)
- Lady Charlotte Guest, Industrialist and translator (Data Wales site)
- Felicia Hemans
- Mary Howitt
- Catherine Hubback
- Eliza Lynn Linton
- Harriet Martineau
- Harriet Taylor Mill
- Favell Lee Mortimer
- Hannah More
- Florence Nightingale
- Caroline Norton
- Margaret Oliphant
- Janet Ross
- Elizabeth Roberts
- Christina Rossetti
- Olive Schreiner
- Elizabeth Missing Sewell
- Lydia Sigourney
- Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
- Frances Trollope
- Mary Anne Venning
- Mary Augusta Ward
- Augusta Webster
- Mrs. Henry Wood
Male Authors Explicitly Concerned with Homoeroticism or Important in the History of Gay Studies and Queer Theory
- John Addington Symonds (outside the Victorian Web: Rictor Norton's complex, elegant UK site)
- Oscar Wilde
Last modified 25 September 2019