- Miss Pomegranate
- An Actor
- A Blind Beggar
- Bearing a Burden
- Heavy-Laden
- Baby and Baby
- A Little Jap[anese Child] in Plum Colour
- Advance Japan
- The Child and the Umbrella
- A Little Jap[anese Boy]
- A Metal-Worker
- The Carpenter
- Making Up Accounts
- A Cloisonné Worker
Other Subjects
- Children
- People at work
- Shrines, temples and festivals
- Tea-houses and geisha
- Shops and stalls
- Streets and paths
- Gardens
- Rivers, canals, bridges
- Sunsets
- Night and other dark scenes
Menpes, Dorothy. Japan: A Record in Colour. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1901. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of California Libraries. Web. 13 July 2019.
Last modified 13 July 2019