- The Road to the Temple
- Outside Kioto
- A Blond Day
- The Giant Lantern
- Leading to the Temple
- A Sunny Temple
- After the Festival
- The End of the Day and the End of the Festival
- A Religious Procession
- An Avenue of Lanterns
- By the Side of the Temple
- Peach-Blossom
- A Family Group
- A Fête Day
Other Subjects
- Children
- Single figures
- People at work
- Tea-houses and geisha
- Shops and stalls
- Streets and paths
- Gardens
- Sunsets
- Night and other dark scenes
Menpes, Dorothy. Japan: A Record in Colour. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1901. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of California Libraries. Web. 14 July 2019.
Last modified 13 July 2019