IN this book I endeavour to present, with whatever skill of penmanship I may possess, my father's impressions of Japan. I trust that they will not lose in force and vigour in that they are closely intermingled with my own impressions, which were none the less vivid because they were those of a child, for it was as a child, keenly interested in and enjoying all I saw, that I passed, four or five years ago, through that lovely flower-land of the Far East, which my father has here so charmingly memorialised in colour. — Dorothy Menpes, Note at the beginning of Japan, a Record in Colour.

Japan, a Record in Colour was the result of Mortimer Menpes' fateful visit to the country in the late 1880s. It was fateful in two ways, first, because it marked his break with James McNeill Whistler; and secondly, but no less importantly, because this book initiated the whole series of pictorial impressions of different countries that came to constitute his most popular body of work. The book would be followed by others similarly worked up in colour from his on-the-spot sketches, including his War Impressions, published in 1901, France, Spain and Morocco (1893), The Durbar (1903), Venice (1904), and two more books about India: India (1905) and The People of India (1910). Nearer home, and part of a popular genre of its own, was his book about the Thames (1906).
Most of these works have commentaries by, or rather "transcribed by," his daughter Dorothy, although she does say here that his impressions are "closely intermingled with my own." But the text of his second collection on India (1905) was by the Anglo-Indian author Flora Annie Steel (1847-1929), and the third by another writer, often of guide books, Geraldine Edith Mitton (1868-1955). Mitton also provided the text for the sequence of Thames watercolours.
Despite Dorothy Menpes's note at the beginning of this first book, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the first-person accounts in it are almost entirely her father's. He is obviously completely bowled over by the Japanese aesthetic sensibility, and invariably praises the visual and dramatic arts of Japan at the expense of those with which he was familiar in England. At the foot of the last page in this record of Japan, we learn: "The illustrations in this impression were engraved and printed by the Carl Hentschel Colourtype Process. The letterpress was printed by Messrs. R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh" (208). — Jacqueline Banerjee
Topics (excerpts from commentary)
- On Theatre Scene-Painting — "one rarely ever sees a well-balanced scene in a Western theatre"
- On the Theatre Stage — "we frame our scenes in a vulgar gilt frame"
- On the Cult of Japan — "the interest in Japan which is now awakening in England"
- On the Artist's Training — "certainty of touch"
- On the Superiority of Japanese Craftsmen
Subjects of Paintings

- Single figures
- Peopleat Work
- Shrines, Temples and Festivals
- Tea-Houses and Geisha
- Shops and Stalls
- Streets and Paths
- Gardens
- Canals, Rivers and Bridges
- Sunsets
- Night and other dark scenes
The Paintings
- Miss Pomegranate
- An Actor
- Watching the Play
- The Bill of the Play
- A Garden
- The Road to the Temple
- The Street with the Gallery
- Sun and Lanterns
- Summer Afternoon
- Apricot-Blossom Street
- Tea-house by the River
- Outside Kioto
- A Blond Day
- A Blind Beggar
- The Giant Lantern
- Sun and Lanterns
- The Empty Tea-House
- Over the Bridge
- The Scarlet Umbrella
- Leading to the Temple
- By the Light of the Lanterns
- News
- A Sunny Temple
- A Rush to the Stall
- On the Great Canal, Osaka
- After the Festival
- Goldfish
- The Lemon Bridge
- A Tranquil Water-Way
- Bearing a Burden
- The End of the Day and the End of the Festival
- In Front of the Stall
- The Stall by the Bridge
- Street of Pink Lanterns
- Archers
- A Religious Procession
- Reflections
- An Avenue of Lanterns
- The Red Curtain
- In the Eye of the Sun
- Flower of the Tea
- A Street in Kioto
- Heavy-Laden
- By the Side of the Temple
- Peach-Blossom
- A Suburban Tea-House
- The Tea-House of the Slender Tree
- Evening
- Blossom of the Glen
- A Family Group
- The Venice of Japan
- An Iris Garden
- A Sunny Garden
- At Horikiri
- Iris Garden
- A Wisteria Garden
- Flower-Placing
- Wistaria
- A Fête Day
- Butterflies
- Daughters of the Sun
- By the Light of the Lanterns
- A Street Scene, Kioto
- Baby and Baby
- A Jap[anese Child] in Plum-Colour
- Sugar-Water Stall
- Advance Japan
- Young Japan
- Chums
- A Sunny Stroll
- The Child and the Umbrella
- A Little Ja[panese Boy]
- A By-Canal
- Swinging along in the Sun
- A Metal-Worker
- Bronze-Workers
- In Theatre Street
- Toys
- The Carpenter
- Making up Accounts
- Finishing Touches
- A Back Canal, Osaka
- Bronze-Cleaners
- Stencil-Makers
- Carpenters at Work
- A Sign-Painter's
- A Cloisonnê Worker
- A Toy-shop
- A Sweet-Stuff Stall
- Osaka
- A Canal in Osaka
- Umbrellas and Commerce
- Wet Weather
- Playfellows
- Buying Sweets
- Youth and Age
- Lookers-On
- Sundown
- Flying Banners
- Honeysuckle Street

Related Material
- Mr. Mortimer Menpes' House: An Experiment in the Application of Japanese Ornament to the Decoration of a Japanese House
- Mr. Mortimer Menpes' Home and Studio in the Japanese Style
Lavery, Grace E. Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019 {Review].
Menpes, Dorothy. Japan: A Record in Colour. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1901. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of California Libraries. Web. 19 June 2019.
Parkin, Michael. "Menpes, Mortimer Luddington (1855–1938), painter." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. 20 June 2019.
Created 20 June 2019