“When Flaxman was in his mid-fifties in 1809, Chantrey, aged twenty-eight, was beginning his professional career with a very precocious order for four colossal plaster busts, at 10 guineas each, of Admirals Howe, St Vincent, Duncan and Nelson forthe Naval Hospital at Greenwich. Over the next five years . . . Chantrey began to build his career as the most able and inventive maker of marble and plaster busts, in which likeness and personality are vividly captured. No greater distance in terms of presentation, style and subject matter could there be than that between Flaxman of Buckingham Street and Chantrey of Eccleston Street, Pimlico. Where Flaxman produced monuments for dead gentry, soldiers and government officials, Chantrey created intelligent life in marble for the burgeoning professions. In the early 1810s Chantrey enlivened the name and memory of the Sheffield doctor John Browne, the radical politician Sir Francis Burdett, the surgeon Henry Cline, the agriculturalist Thomas Johnes of Hafod, and rhc mathematician John Playfair. These were the coming men, and so was Francis Chantrey. Where the generation of Rysbrack and Roubiliac created an iconography for a national identity with their sculpture, Flaxman and Chantrey in their generation expressed national purpose” — James Hamilton (117)
Biographical material
- "Sir Francis Chantrey” by Julia Ann Clark Shedd (1881)
- From Norton to the Nation: Sir Francis Chantrey's Life-Journey and Legacy
Monuments and Portrait Sculpture

- John Horne Tooke, 1811
- Arthur Wellesley, Lord Wellington, 1823 (bust)
- Arthur Wellesley, Lord Wellington, 1837-44 (equestrian statue)
- George IV, 1831 (Edinburgh)
- George IV, 1828-30 (Brighton)
- John Dalton, 1838 (Manchester)
- George IV, equestrian statue, Trafalgar Square, London
- Henry Ryder, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry/span>, 1841
- William Pitt, 1831
- The Sleeping Children [ Ellen-Jane and Marianne Robinson], 1816
- James Watt, 1832
- Queen Victoria, 1839
- John Wilson Croker
- John Raphael Smith
- Bishop Reginald Heber, Kolkata (Calcutta)
- Bishop Reginald Heber, Madras (Chennai)
- Sir Edward Hyde East, Kolkata (Calcutta)
Funerary monuments
- Memorial to Christopher and Sarah D'Oyly, c. 1821
- Monument to Richard Bateman, c. 1821
- Bishop Brownlow North, 1825
- First Marquess of Hertford of Ragley Hall, 1828
- Monument to Other Archer, Sixth Earl of Plymouth, 1835
- Monument to William le Marchant and Marthe de Havilland [Marchant?]
- Monument to Sir Richard Hussey Bickerton
- William Hoare
- Admiral Richard Godwin Keats
- Sir Charles Oakeley, Baronet (1751-1826)
- Memorial Tablet to the Duchess of York (1767-1820)
- Louisa Theodosia, Countess of Liverpool
- Sir John Phelips
- James Northcote
- James Harris, First Earl of Malmesbury
Hamilton, James. A Strange Business: Making Art and Money in Nineteenth-Century Great Britain. London: Atlantic Books, 2014.
Last modified 25 January 2024