Probably no author ever lived of whom more portraits have been made, both during his lifetime and since his death, than CharIes Dickens. There has perhaps never been an author whose features, from early youth to the time of his death, are so familiar to the reading public as those of this great author of the Victorian era. The writer has in his collection over four hundred portraits of Dickens, including steel engravings, etchings, lithographs, wood engravings and photographs. Of the latter there are one hundred and twenty in a variety of poses, — half lengths, three-quarter lengths and full length; some in sitting position and some standing; in some he is reading, some writing, some putting on his gIoves, some with hat in hand, with cane, and others with both hat and cane. — William Glyde Wilkins
Dickens Galleries

- Dickens in Drawing and Painting
- Dickens in Caricature
- Dickens in Caricature: In Memoriam — Dickens and His Characters
- Dickens in Photography
- Dickens's homes and other places associated with him
Wilkins, William Glyde and B. W. Matz. Charles Dickens in Caricature and Cartoon. Boston: The Bibliophile Society, 1924.
Charles Dickens: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of His Death. London: Victorian and Albert Museum, 1970.
Last Modified 13 November 2007