The Chew Valley Dam — the way it was, in a navvy's own words
In Brief — the overview
Strangers — navvying: a community of strangers
The Sloping Lodger — navvy slang
Bumpsticks — the navvy way of dying
Beginnings — the canal diggers
The Clockwork Shovel — division of labour and working methods
Sod Huts and Shants — housing and lodgings
Cat-Eating-Scan and Half-Ear Slen — navvy nicknames
Impact — how navvies changed the countryside
Moleskin Joe — the story of an Ulster navvy
The Making of Hawick — through the making of a Border railway
The Long Drag — the Carlisle-Settle line, the toughest job of all
Riot — navvies at war with themselves
War — the first military railway, and other stories of navvies at war
Hagmasters and After — employers: who paid and who cheated
Strikes, Truck, Cash — chiefly about pay and payment-in-kind
The Navvies' Union — unorganisable labour
John Ward — a navvy goes to the House of Commons
Churching the Ungodly — the Navvy Mission Society
The Great War — Navvy Battalions behind the trenches
Ending — the last navvy job: the Haweswater dam
What Happened Next — The Author's Autobiographical Reminiscences
A Navvy's Glossary [Not in print edition; created specifically for the Victorian Web]
Last modified 8 May 2006