December 2007
Inspired by the biography of Frederick W. Robertson that Marilyn Thomas, Professor of English, Menlo College, sent in, your webmaster created a section for the the liberal Anglican Anglican, including his portrait and material about his comments on Wordsworth, Carlyle, Ruskin, Bulwer-Lyton as well as his strong defence of In Memoriam and thoughts about Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Brontë, and the Contemporary Novel. He then scanned and edited Robertson's sermons, "Religious Depression," "The Shadow and Substance of the Sabbath," and "The Message of the Church to Men of Wealth," and he created a number of brief documents based on Stopford A. Brook's Life and Letters, including "'The evidence of goodness and wisdom in the external world is very questionable': Finding God amid the Cruelties of Nature" and "'There is a tendency now to be very indignant about a poor man's spending Sunday afternoon in a tea-garden': Robertson's Opposition to Sabbatarianism." GPL also added his three photographs from 2002 of the Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, Australia, to the section on iron and glass architevture. He also completed formatting scans provided by Philip V. Allingham of McLenan's illustrations for A Tale of Two Cities and added the passages from the novel that each image illustrated. Finally, after reading Elaine Pagels's The Gnostic Gospels, he wrote "A Pattern Repeated: Roman Catholics, High Church Anglicans, Evangelicals, and Ancient Gnosticism."
Philip V. Allinhgam sent in additional scans of George du Maurier's illustrations for "A Rose in June," which GPL sized and placed in html documents, and PVA scaned and produced html documents for illustrations of seven works of Hardy's short fiction by illustrators including George Lambert, William Hatherell, George Patterson, Arthur J. Goodman, W. B. Wollen, and W. Hennessy.
Jacqueline Banerjee sent in her photographs, captions, and commentary for the Victoria or Burdett-Coutts Memorial Drinking-Fountain and Victoria Park as well as a biography of Sir James Pennethorne, architect and surveyor to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests (later called Commissioners of Works) who designed important buildings, such as the West Wing of Somerset House, parks, and laid out New Oxford Street. She also provided images and descriptions of old Wells & Co. foundry and showroom (East London) and identified late-Victorian commercial buildings at 369-373 and 385-397 Oxford Street (London) that GPL had photographed some years back, and so we could finally put them online.
Lexi Stuckey, MA candidate, University of Central Oklahoma, contributed "Christina Rossetti and Anna Eliza Bray — Fashioning a New Form of Fairy Tale in "Goblin Market"." Leighton Carter contributed Beardsley's Grotesque Cave of Spleen, and Eugene Petracca wrote "The Veiled Countenance: Loss of Self in H. K. Browne's Bleak House" and "If thou hadst looked at me . . . ": Wilde's Picture of Salome. Terence Green, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Political Science, Columbia University, made his second contribution, "Evolution as a Guide to Conduct." Gerrard Roots sent in an announcement of an exhibition of Sidney Paget's Sherlock Holmes illustrations at the Church Farmhouse Museum in London.
Thanks to readers: Judy Neiswander corrected a mispelling in the biography of Pugin. Thanks!
We end the year with 34,253 documents.
November 2007
Despite your Webmaster's pruning orphan and outmoded documents from the site, The Victorian Web has grown to more than 34,000 documents and images. While continuing to reformat the site, your Webmaster spent many hours scanning all the plates by Phiz for Bleak House from his personal copy of the first book edtion and then, using the Project Guteberg etext, adding the passages illustrated and also writing commentaries. Lucy Barnes added commentary on the plate entitled "Attorney and Client" and Leighton Carter wrote "Moody Clues: Hablot K. Browne's The Morning." GPL also worked on George Cattermole's plates for The Old Curiosity Shop from the three-volume first edition of Master Humphrey's Clock, in the process adding that illustrator's image of the audience at Astley's Ampitheatre to Philip V. Allingham's essay on London theaters. He also added his review, "Commodifying the Straw Man" — A Review of Brent Shannon's The Cut of His Coat: Men Dress, and Consumer Culture in Britain, 1860-1904 to which he added images of what men wore from illustrations by Cattermole, Phiz, and du Maurier.
Allinhgam wrote a series of four essays on Dickens's 1842 trip to Montreal and the theatricals he organized (and in which he acted) at the Queen's Theatre. "Dickens in Montreal, 1842" also contains fourteen images, which include both those scanned from contemporary sources and PVA's own photographs.
Jacqueline Banerjee sent in a series of nine photographs of the Grainger Market in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and accompanying text, a history of Harrow School with a dozen or so photographsm, and more photographs of Burne-Jones's home and studio, works by Flaxman, and the new paint scheme of St. Pancras Railway Station.
Lisa Jones of National Museums Liverpool writes to announce Victorian Visions, an exhibition of nineteenth-century photography at the Lady Lever Art Gallery that will run from December 2007 to mid-March the following year. Maagie Wood, Assistant Curator at the Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture at Middlesex University (UK), wrote to let us know that her institution houses the Silver Studio Collection. Florence Boos, current President of the U. S. William Morris Society, writes to inform readers of The Victorian Web that the Society now has an rich website containing information about its scholarly journal, a US Newsletter, links to discussions of Morris in many languages, up-to-date calendars of featured events in the US and UK, and instructions how to join the Society.
October 2007
Your webmaster continued reformatting the site this past month, working wth several hundred documents containig book illustrations and textile designs, and he also created a sitemap for the architecture of the University of London. He formatted and edited various graduate student contributions, such as Lucy Barnes's "Hunt's The Shadow of Death and Rossetti's 'Good Friday': An Unsettling Typology," "The Textual Alice and the Alice of Illustration," "Word and Image in G.M. Hopkins 'The Windhover;'" Leighton Carter's "The Struggle between Form and Content in William Holman Hunt's "Lady of Shalott"," "John Tenniel's Natural Fantasy: The White Rabbit," and "Gerard Manley Hopkins's "Pied Beauty": Word-painting vs. Formal Innovation?" and Eugene Petracca's "Chaste Longing: Illustrations of Rossetti and Millais for the Moxon Tennyson," "Biblical Typology in D. G. Rossetti's 'The Passover in the Holy Family,'" "Inscape/Landscape: Image as Type in the Poetry of G. M. Hopkin," and "Representing Alice: John Tenneil's Collaboration with Charles Dodgson."
Jacqueline Banerjee continues her section on the University of London with eleven photographs and accompanying discussions of the chapel at King's College, London, designed by Gilbert Scott with an interior attributed to the firm of Clayton & Bell. She followed that with photographs and discussions of the interior of the dome of the Wilkins Building at UCL, the Flaxman Gallery it contains, photographs of King's College, an illustrated essay on University of London art collections, and finally a series of eight photographs and accompanying discussions of Sir James Pennethorne's Public Record Office, which now serves as the Maughan Library, King's College London.
Jeanne Farewell contributes Can We Forgive Him? Trollope on America, and Rashmi Sahni, M.Phil candidate at the University of Delhi sent in her four-part essay on Collins's 'detective business': The Moonstone as a Detective Novel."]
Erik Ringmar, who teaches at a university in Taiwan, suggested we link to his The Fury of the Europeans: liberal barbarism and the destruction of the Emperor's Summer Palace, a site containing his "on-going research project on the destruction of the Yuanmingyuan, the Summer Palace of the Chinese Emperor, by British and French troops in 1860."
Thanks to readers: Ed Kranz corrected the text of a Browning poem quoted in a student question set, and Kiran Mascarenhas, The City University of New York, Graduate Center, corrected a typo in the list of authors. David Barbour, a member of the Coleraine Borough Council, wrote to point out that Portstewart, where the novelist Charles Lever briefly practiced medicine, is in Northern Ireland, not England. Mark Schumacher of the Reference Department, Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, pointed out that Georges Cuvier's name was missing its final "s" in several places, and Art Pitchford corrected the name of black kitten in Through the Looking Glass. Thanks to all for their help. Hannah Sheldon-Dean, a student in GPL's Sages, Satirists, and New Journalists seminar, pointed out broken links created by the reformatting of the site.
September 2007
After receiving a copy of the 1905 edition of Bannister Fletcher's wonderful A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method for his 67th birthday — thanks Ruth! — your webmaster created from its many drawings a new section of 100+ documents and images, Medieval English Gothic Architecture — Backgrounds to the Gothic Revival. Having been invited to Edinburgh to give a keynote at a conference organized jointly by the University and ther College of Art, GPL began a section on the city's architecture as well as taking photographs of sculpture by John Steell and others.
Philip V. Allingham joined those of us working on children's literature with his illustrated essay entitled "Julia Horatia Ewing's Jackanapes, a Late-Victorian Best-seller for Children." In addition, he wrote a biography of Randolph Caldecott and added eight of his illustrations.
Jacqueline Banerjee continued her series of essays entitled "Ideas of Childhood in Victorian Children's Fiction" with "The Child Within" and "Issues in Children's Literature," which includes "Regression, sentimentality and morbidity in depicting children," "Eroticizing childhood," and "The entrapment of children." Later in the month she provided eleven drawings of India by Leonard Raven-Hill biography of the illustrator.
In addition to sharing "The Musical Soirée: Rational Amusement in the Home," his essay about Victorian drawing room ballads and parlor songs, Derek B. Scott, Professor of Critical Musicology, University of Leeds, contributed his 15 performances of this musc, including Victorian setting of Poe's "Annabel Lee", "Home, Sweet Home!", and "Woodman, Spare That Tree!", plus two piano pieces, including "The Battle March of Delhi." He also contributed the lyrics to two popular music hall items, "My Old Dutch" and "Macdermott's War Song," which is credited (or blamed) as the source of the word "jingoism." Professor Albert Pionke from the University of Alabama has contributed "Representations of the Indian Mutiny in Victorian Higher Journalism," which he adapted from his book Plots of Opportunity: Representing Conspiracy in Victorian England (Ohio State UP, 2004) and then provided materials for GPL to create a section containing the full texts of a dozen and a half articles published in periodicals including Blackwood's, London Quarterly Review, and the Quarterly Review.
Thanks to readers: Harry McLaughlin updated the URL to his Family Photograph Album site. John Kofron wrote in to point out that the link from the list of authors to Charlotte Brontë had broken; Gordon Byrnes of Clarke University sent in the new URL for the Victoria & Albert Museum's National Art Gallry site, Richard Barnes FRSA, author of a book on the sculptor John Bell, wrote to point out that Bell was in fact the sculptor of the Crimea Guards Memorial itself. Charles Kolb, MD, FRCS, of Manchester (whom your master has known since they played lacrosse together at the University of London), e-mailed several corrections. Victoria Ford Smith corrected errors in Hardy's "Hap," and Sue caught an obvious howler in the biography of Samuel Butler. Whitney Johnson found a broken link on the railways overview. Thanks!
August 2007
Siobhan Lam and your webmaster continued to add material to the new section on children's literature, particularly images from chapbooks and other works, including illustrations from British Victorian magazines for boys and girls. Ms. Lam contributed two essays on Captain Marryat, a biographical introduction, which contains a discussion of Robinsonnades (or adaptations of DeFoe's Robinson Crusoe, including a chapbook one), and "Observing Victorian niceties on a desert island: Captain Marryat's Masterman Ready." In addition, she created essays on "The Rise of Children's Fantasy Literature: The Fate of Moral Tales," "Fairy Tales," "G.A. Henty's Quintessential Adventure Story: Reading One of the 28th," and her introduction to ideas of gender in children's fiction — "Boys will be Boys, and Girls should be Girls."
Meanwhile your webmaster continuing reformatting the site, beginning work on the four thousand documents each in design and illustration sections. Much of GPL's time was spent creating images of sculpture and other objects that readers can rotate 360 degrees, providing the kind of information only available with computing (one often can't examine all sides of objects in museums because they are in cases or in niches). For technical reasons involving server settings, Derwent-Wood's Robert Brough, the first qtvr project (QuickTime Virtual Reality) is currently online outside this site, as are Maraget Giles's Hero, Statue of a Young Woman attributed to Drury, and a For Old Times Sake, a pewter mug from Liberty &. Co. These images work with Firefox and Safari, but I do not know if they do with Internet Explorer. A week was also spent completely reformatting David DeLaura's magisterial Hebrew anf Hellene.
GPL, who gave a talk on Newman and Victiorian religion, spent the 16th through the 19th at the 2007 Bard College concert series and symposium entitled Elgar and His World, which was organized by Leon Botstein (President of Bard and Conductor of the American Symphony Orchestra), Christopher H. Gibbs, and Robert Martin, Artistic Directors, Irene Zedlacher, Executive Director, and Byron Adams, Scholar in Residence 2007. With the kind permission and assistance of Irene Zedlacher and others, your webmaster has expanded the section on Elgar, beginning with a detailed chronology of the composer and contemporary events, "'God Bless the Music Halls': Victorian and Edwardian Popular Songs" by Derke B. Scott, Professor of Critical Musicology, University of Leeds, and "'Right Praise and True Perfection': Edward Elgar and the English Imagination" and "Elgar: From Autodidact to 'Master of the King's Musick,'" both by Byron Adams, Professor of Music, University of California, Riverside.
Jacqueline Banerjee began the month with eight photographs of Smithfield Meat Market and accompanying text and bibliography as well as photographs of hotels in Brighton by John Nash and Alfrred Waterhouse, leading GPL to create a list of Victorian hotels of which we have images as well as a Waterhouse sitemap, which permits readers an additional way of locating the many photographs of his magnificent Natural History Museum. She also sent in a photograph of Margaret Oliphant's grave. JB next contributed three essays on the subject of "Ideas of Childhood in Victorian Children's Fiction": The Child as Innocent," The Child as Sinner, and Orphans, Outcasts and Rebels."
Philip Allingham contributed an essay on Dickens's "Italian Prisoner," the text itself, and scans of a Cruikshank self-portrait, and several other images. Irina Gredina of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, and PVA contributed "Dickens's Influence upon Dostoevsky, 1860-1870; or, One Nineteenth-Century Master's Assimilation of Another's Manner and Vision."
Jennifer Burgess contributes a brief biography of Anna Kingsford, physician, vegetarian, and Theosophist, and a week or so later followed that with material on Kingsford's views on religion and the woman question, and Terence Green, a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Political Science, Columbia University, sent in "Herbert Spencer, Evolution and the Moral Law Within." Jean-Paul Flahaut suggested a link to his Annuaire Histoire — Révolution et Empires. Jon Grant's photograph of All Saints, Nocton provides both another example of Scott's architecture and additional material related to Viscount Goderich, Prime Minister, 1828-29. Sng Jin Soon collaborated with GPL and took two photographs of the Arcade in Providence, RI — an example of iron-and-glass roof that dates from 1828. Bernard Farr e-mailed from Oxford to share his photographs and information about the church of St. Philip and St James.
July 2007
Your webmaster/editor-in-chief continued to add material from the Maas catalogue and completed the html for the studies by Burne-Jones of the Christ the Lord in Majesty mosaic (Rome) now in the collection of the Delaware Art Museum, which is using one of my photos of the completed mosaic for an exhibition. In addition, reformatting the documents on Victorian authors has seen completion.
Jacqueline Banerjee began July with photos and information about Richard Norman Shaw's Albert Court — his influential apartment house (block of flats) adjacent to Albert Hall and near Imperial College. She next sent in a detailed review of the Yale UP volume of essays accompanying the Frith exhibition at the Guildhall and followed that by a biography of the engineer and arms manufacturer William George Armstrong, Baron Armstrong of Cragside (1810-1900) plus photographs of Hamo Thornycroft's monument to him in Newcastle and another of his pioneering Newcastle Swing Bridge. On a lighter note: JB sends in 10 photographs of the Arts and Crafts Black Friar pub.
Philip Allingham sent in an essay about the first of Helen Allingham's illustrations to Far from the Madding Crowd and two about Dickens's residences in Genoa, Italy, the latter accompanied by almost three dozen of his photographs plus two relevant passages from Dickens's Pictures from Italy, all of which GPL formatted and linked.
Siobhan Lam, class of 2008, Brown University, who won a summer Undergraduate Research Assistantship, which GPL is directing, has begun a section on children's literature, thus far providing discussions of both genres of children's reading and modes of publication. Her essays thus far include "Aesop's Fables," "Alphabet books: from grim morality to pleasurable learning," "Nursery Rhymes," "Hornbooks," "Chapbooks," an introduction to periodicals directed at young readers, "Penny Dreadfuls," "Evangelical Tracts and Magazines for Children," "Secular Magazines for Victorian Children," and essays on individual works by George MacDonald. GPL created a sitemap organizing all these materials plus earlier contributions by all three editors, such as JB's eight-part essay on child death and the Victorian novel with discussions of Kingsley and MacDonald, PVA's "Defending the Imagination: Charles Dickens, Children's Literature, and the Fairy Tale Wars," and GPL's "John Ruskin and the Literary Fairy Tale." Prompted by Ms. Lam's work, he also wrote "James Catnach, 'low-class jobbing printer'" and a discussion of Nonsense Literature. This new section also permits bringing together Sally Mitchell's existing discussions of Diana Mulock Craik, David Rand's section on William Brighty Rands, and other contributions.
John Erlen of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School sent in a description and url for his Recent Dissertations on Women's History and Health Care site. Sinead O'Neill, Web Editor for the Belfast City Council site, e-mailed to let us know that Official information about the Palm House is available, and I have added links to it in PVA's material on that pioneering iron-and-glass structure. Laurann de Verteuil, a recent graduate of the University of Glasgow, sent in "Reviving God: a study of Matthew Arnold and Gerard Manley Hopkins religious belief." Tjan Kwang Wei of Singapore contributed a photograph of Masjid Jamek Kedua (the Jamek Kedua Mosque) in Muar, Malaysia. The Victorian Web this month not only received contributions from South East Asia but from South Asia as well, for Savi Munjal, an MPhil candidate and instructor at the University of Delhi, contributed a five-part essay entitled "Imagined Geographies: Representations of the Orient in Three Nineteenth-Century Novels."
Thanks to readers: Connie Tornatore-Loong of Sydney, Australia, notified me of several typos in last month's "What's New"! I must be the world's worst typist: checking the previous sentence a few minutes after I wrote it, I discovered that notified had mysteriously become noptified. On the 13th Christie Riegelhaupt, Editor at ProQuest, wrote to tell us that the link to Conrad didn't work (in reformatting the site, I had forgotten to change "conradov" to "index"). Tan Lay Leng of Singapore, who put me in touch with Tjan Kwang Wei, pointed out that the iron bridge there bears the name "Cavenagh" not "Cavanagh."
June 2007
Aloysius Wee Kok Tay, who is in charge of computer services and labs at the University Scholars Program, National University of Singapore, creates a much improved search tool for the site. Thanks Aloysius! Meanwhile, your webmaster continues the reformatting project begun last December, finally completing work on the 4,400 documents in the section on Victorian painting. At last count, after removing hundreds of duplicate documents, inferior quality images, and the like, the site contained 32,437 documents and images. With the section on Victorian painters complete, it was now time to move works by Ruskin there, a matter of several days' work that involved rescanning some 70 works. Working with the watercolors and drawings Ruskin created throughout his career reveals that he was a better artist than many of those he defended in Modern Painters. Reconfiguring the Ruskin galleries came next, and with it creating a section including images of Ruskin's homes, some accompanied by relevant passages from his autobiography.
While this work was underway, two major contributions involving art arrived: Connie Tornatore-Loong, Assistant Curator of Australian Art, secured permission from Dr. Beresford, Curator of European Art, to include all images from works in Sydney's Art Gallery of New South Wales reproduced in Angus Trumble's Love and Death in the Age of Queen Victoria. Secondly, the Maas Gallery of London sent its latest catalogue, which has already led to the inclusion in VW of works by John Brett, William Etty J. W. Godward, George Howard (9th Earl of Carlisle), Arthur Hughes, Sidney Harold Meteyard, Abraham Solomon, and Simeon Solomon with dozens more to be scanned.
Jacqueline Banerjee started the month off with photos and information about more London theaters, including the Lyric, Garrick, and London Coliseum, which now houses the National Opera, plus the Chelsea homes of Carlyle and Rossetti. Switching gears, JB next writes the next installment of the University of London and the institutions and people closely associated with it — "The University of London and Its Boys' Schools," which she accompanies with photographs of the King's College School (1891). Next follows "Queen's College School and the Ladies' College School" with half a dozen photographs.
Dr Teresa Walker, who teaches in the English Department at Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, England contributes a biography of Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. Dick Sullivan writes four essays: Cyril Conolly and the problem of Housman's continuing popularity, an introduction to W. H. Davies, "William Morris: More News from Nowhere," and " .'" Some months earlier Dick has also wrote another of his fascinatng pieces on life in Victorian England with "Victorian Costermongers: 'A Penny Profit out of the Poor Man's Dinner",'" which I omitted from "What's New?" so I'll add it here. Dr. Ron Roizen contributes a six-part study of "God and the English Utilitarians," which includes "Utilitarianism as Part of the English Moral Philosophical Tradition" and an introduction to theistic utilitarians." Connie Tornatore-Loong of the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, contributes a notice of a major exhibition of the works of Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal, K.C.V.O., R.A., 1863-1931, the great Australian-born sculptor who was the first person from down under to become an RAA biography of Mackennal, description of Deborah Edward's catalogue raisonné, and images of the artist and his work accompany the notice.
Off-site links: Bamber Gascoigne from HistoryWorld (UK) has created an interactive, customizable timeline for items in the Victorian Web using his TimeSearch: Readers can obtain timelines for a range of topics, including art, literarure, history, science, and so on. Peter Joyce also from the Uk wrote in to suggest his Assembled Stories, a commercial site with audio books, many of which are not just the old chestnuts.
Thanks to readers: Angus Wu writes in to point out a broken link caused by the reorganization of the site in the brief essay about the influence of the Crystal Palace upon architecture.
May 2007
Your intrepid webmaster has been working since last December reformatting the entire site with a more elegant design that requires Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Great, lavish thanks are due to Dr. Mark Bernstein, President and Chief Scientist of Eastgate Systems, for making GPL's style sheets function with browsers other than Macintosh Safari. Thank, thank you, Mark! (Any reader interested in a powerful, easy-to-use hypertext system should check out Storyspace, and his Tinderbox is a powerful tool for professional writers. His site also contains a wealth of information about hypermedia, new media, and the fiction and poetry written in electronic environments.) Thus far GPL has completed reformatting the large sections on architecture, gender matters, theater and popular entertainment, stained glass, sculpture, contributors, and Victorian political and social history. The sections on science and technology require a second cycle of formatting and editing, as do the sections on painting, illustration, and individual authors.
Paramvir Sawhney contributes a four-part project, "The Victorians as Olympian Dreamers: The 'Togification' of Britain," which includes a discussions of the emphasis upon authenticity in The Last Days of Pompeii and the myth of the toga. Meredith Moore writes a multi-part exploration of erotic elements in Victorian art, which includes "We Didn't Start the Fire: Discovery of Pompeii's Erotic Art and its impact on Victorian Culture" and discussions of the male and female nude. John P. Nagler adds a six-part investigation of the various means and modes of Victorian classicism, including sections on Leighton, Alma-Tadema, Poynter, Moore, Waterhouse and Bulwer-Lytton. Sally King discusses five paintings by Millais.
Jacqueline Banerjee continues her series of essays on worthies associatd with the University of London, adding Robert Browning, G. K. Chesterton, Francis Galton, and A. E. Housman while providing photographs and text about the Albert Bridge, which leads GPL to create a new sitemap (or list) of bridges designed by English engineers in the UK, Eurtope, and Asia. Th enext week she sent in sets of photographs of a M. E. Braddon memorial plaque" and of St. Mary Magdalene Church, a sixteenth-century edifice that Blomfield altered. Meanwhile Philip Allingham continues working on commentaries for Phiz's illustrations to Martin Chuzzlewit plus an essay on "Dickens's Impressions of the Mississippi valley at Cairo, Illinois, the original of 'Eden' in Martin Chuzzlewit."
Thanks to readers for corrections: Monika Mazurek of Poland writes in to correct an obvious scanning error in Jim Kincaid's book on Dickens: "Barnaby Budge"! Michael Busk of San Francisco corrects a typo in the religion sitemap, and Jon Grant corected a typo in a caption in the bio of Frederick Robinson, Viscount Goderich.
April 2007
PVA contributes "Mary Scott Hogarth, 1820-1837: Dickens's Beloved Sister-in-Law and Inspiration" and "'Taking The Wrappers Off — A Brief Overview of the Covers for the Monthly Serials Published by Charles Dickens, April 1836 to September 1870," and a comparison of the illustrations of Martin Chuzzlewit by Barnard and Phiz. He scans the complete Phiz illustrations for the novel, the text documents for which GPL formats, and he begins his series of in-depth commentaries on each plate.
JB, who writes a biography of the Victorian chemist William Ramsay, sends in photographs and text for Thomas Woolner's John Hunter in Leicester Square and also identified Woolner as the sculptor of the Wordsworth memorial in St. Oswald's Church, Grasmere. She also adds new photographs of Baily's statue of Early Grey and Gilbert's Queen Victoria, and "More on 'The Great Wen': Reviews of Liza Picard's Victorian London: The Life of a City 1840-1870 (paperback ed. 2006) and Jerry White's London in the Nineteenth Century: 'A Human Awful Wonder of God'" (2007).
After a 12-day tour of Eastern Europe, GPL adds photographs of a quadringa from Budapest and other sculpture. He reviews John A. Walker's "Work": Ford Madox Brown's Painting and Victorian Life (2006) and Simon Toll's Herbert Draper, 1863-1920: A Life Study (2003). From the 1899 Studio, he adds a sketch by Herbert Draper, Frampton's St. George, an he also added a dozen images of art nouveau jewelry and Alexander Fisher's crucifix. GPL continues work on converting the site to CSS, completing the sections on architecture and stained glass. He also scans and edits a number of illustrated articles from 1898 and 1899 issues of The Studio:
- a Baillie Scott's furniture and metalwork for the New Palace, Darmstadt
- the paintings of Byam Shaw
- the Scottish sculptor James Pittendrigh MacGillivray
- Mr. Arthur H. Mackmurdo and the Century Guild
- Mortimer Menpes' home and studio in the Japanese Style
- the sculpture, painting, and other work of W. Reynolds-Stephens
Marjie Bloy continues to add letters to her section on previosuly unpublished letters. Paramvir Sawhney discusses the use of classical versus contemporary costume in Victorian sculpture and the dream topos in late-nineteenth-century painting, and Sara King contributes "'Immortal Music:' Ernest Dowson's 'Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae'" and "Visual Harmony: Albert Joseph Moore's The Dreamers" while Meredith Moore writes "Albert Moore, Art for Art Sake, and The Quartet, a Painter's Tribute to Music" and "Medea Misrepresented," a discussion of one of Herbert Draper's paintings. The Victorian Web now has 32,057 douments and images.
March 2007
JB creates a series of photographs and commentary concerning St Paul's Parish Church, Brighton, with its Pugin windows and John Hardman Powell's brass lectern.
PVA contributes The Names of Dickens's American Originals in Martin Chuzzlewit After the Dahesh Museum of Art in New York grants permission to do so, GPL adds The Marble Work (Le Travail du Marbre) by Jean-Léon Gérôme and Joseph, Overseer of Pharaoh's Granaries by Sir Laurence Alma Tadema.
Dick Sullivan contributes "Continuity and the Power of Place: Kipling as Children's Author" and Brian Eschrich contributes "The Rossettis and the Metaphysics of Spiritual Experience." GPL continues converting the site to CSS and completes the section on sculpture after Dr. Mark Bernstein, President of Eastgate Systems, solves some problems with the style sheet for vertical plates.
February 2007
PVA reviews two volumes in the The Broadview Literary Texts Series:Lady Audley's Secret (2003) and Jack Sheppard (2007) and among his many contributions are the following: "The Dualistic Chronological Setting of Dickens's Martin Chuzzlewitt," "The Costuming and Set Design of Plays Adapted from Dickens's Christmas Books: Realisations of the Illustrations". He and GPL add two dozen illustrations of Victorian pantomime. Other contributions include "The Origin of 'I've got to see a man about a dog."
JB contributes a series of essays and brief biographies, including "Frederic William Farrar," "Henry Morley," "Frederick Denison Maurice," "James Clerk Maxwell," and "Charles Wheatstone as well as an illustrated multi-part history of the University of London, including an introduction, "The Founding Colleges," "The University of London and Women Students," "Opening the Doors of Higher Education," and various photographs. She also send in a photograph of the Albany, home at different times to Bulwer-Lytton, Macaulay, Gladstone, and others, and accompanying text.
GPL uses the Project Gutenberg text of Bulwer-Lytton's The Last Days of Pompeii to create an e-text of the novel for VW and then a section on the novel containing materials about narration, characterization, gender, political and religious themes and photographic illustrations. John P. Nagler contributes "A Hint of Sedition in The Last Days of Pompeii;" Paramvir Sawhney adds an essay about authenticity in the novel, "Nothing changes under the sun." He also edits a section of Charles Reades Hard Cash, which he entitles "A History of Early Railways — Technological Innovation and Resistance to them." After Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwehtu, New Zealand, grants permission to include them in VW, GPL adds Teresina by Frederick Lord Leighton and In the Wizard's Garden by George Dunlop Leslie. GPL continues creating style sheets and converting the site.
Dick Sullivan contributes a biography of James Thomson and "Poison Mixed With Gall," an introduction to his The City of Dreadful Night, a brief biography of Camille Jullien, and "'Nothing Will Beat the Old Times': A Victorian Dialogue."
January 2007
PVA contributes a series of essays on Dickens's The Chimes, including "The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells That Rang An Old Year Out and a New Year In," "The "Forgotten" Christmas Book, The Chimes (1844): Novella and Dramatic Adaptation," Prologue to Mark Lemon and G. A. A'Beckett's Adaptation of "The Chimes" by Charles Dickens (1844)."
JB writes a short biography of the great pioneer of medical careers for women, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. Suzanne Hesse, a faculty member of Chemeketa Community College, contributes "The Victorian Ideal Male Characters in Jane Eyre and Villette." GPL continues creating style sheets and converting the site.
Last modified 2 January 2025