Biographical Materials and Discussions

- Biography
- A Note on the year of the sculptor's birth
- A Review of Henry de Triqueti, 1803-1874, Sculpteur (Collection du Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans,” by Véronique Galliot-Rateau
- [Review of] "Triqueti, la force du trait" — exhibition, 3 December 2022 - 2 April 2023, Musée Girodet, Montargis
- Marmor Homericum
- The doors of the Madeleine (including bas-reliefs, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and "Thou shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Wife")
- "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
- "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house"
- Duke of Orléans (maquette, Musée Girodet, Montargis, France)
- Duke of Orléans (Notre Dame de la Compassion)
- Projet pour Les Busses de Florence et Alice Campbell
- Juliette Ferrus
- La Mère de Möise
- Le Sculpteur de Bouclier and Hiram
- Portrait of a Woman [the sculptor's wife?]
- Penelope — maquette for Marmor Homericum
- Maquette of an angel to decorate the chair of Troyes Cathedral
- Marriage of the Virgin
- Maquette for Joseph Instructs the People of Israel: Le Jeune écrivain
- Interior of the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor, showing the Triqueti Marbles.
- Monument for Edward de Triquetii at Père Lachaise
- Dante and Virgil
- St Mark
- St Luke
- Cenotaph for Prince Albert in the Albert Memorial Chapel
- The Choir of Angels on Susan Durant's headstone at Père Lachaise
- The Yates Memorial
- "Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother"
- Pierre Lescot
- Sir Thomas More
- Cleopatra Dying
- Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson


- Drawings of Andrea Riccio's Paschal candlestick
- Drawings of Giovanni da Pisa's Work
- Angel from the High Altar of S. Antonio at Padua
- Preparatory study for the Marmor Homericum
- Preparatory study for Homer at the Hippocrene Spring
- Preparatory drawing for Daniel among the Lions
- Preparatory drawing for the The Queen of Sheba
- Study of a Dalmatic
- Study of a Cathedral Doorway, Basle Minster, Switzerland
- Study for The Three Virtues
- Fontainebleau
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Letters, Vol. II (1806-1856). Ed. Frederic E. Kenyon. 3rd ed. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1898. Web. 13 May 2010
Davison, Jane and Margaret. The Triqueti Marbles in the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor. A series of photographs executed by the Misses Davison. With a preface” by Jane Davison (1876). Available at the British Library. General Reference Section 1762.d.3.
"L'Exterieur" Paroisse Catholique de La Madeleine (the church's own website, in French). Web. 12 August 2016.
Galliot-Rateau, Véronique. Henry de Triqueti, 1803-1874, Sculpteur: Collection du Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans. Amis des Musée d''Orléans / Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans, 2009. [Review by JB.]
Garrihy, Andrea. "Durant, Susan Durant (1827-1873)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Web. 29 March 2009.
Lemaistre, Isabelle. Entry on Triqueti. From Monet to Cézanne (The Grove History of Art), ed. Jane Turner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 416-17.
New York Times Obituary ("Baron Triqueti, Sculptor"), May 18, 1874. Web. 29 March 2009.
Perkins, Charles C. Italian sculptors: being a history of sculpture in northern, southern, and eastern Italy. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1868. Internet Archive. Contributed by the Getty Research Institute. Web. 11 August 2016.
Read, Benedict. Victorian Sculpture. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1982.
Ribner, Jonathan P. Broken Tablets: The Cult of the Law in French Art from David to Delacroix. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. Web. 13 May 2010.
Rykner, Didier. "Henry de Triqueti (1803-1874)." Web. 13 May 2010. This is a review of the catalogue for the 2007-8 exhibition in France. It has small images of the Madeleine doors when shut, as well as of the wonderful Triqueti Marbles.
Stowe, Charles Edward. The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Compiled from her Letters and Journals” by her Son. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin (Cambridge, Mass.: The Riverside Press), 1889. Web. 29 March 2009.
Tomes, Jason. "Harvey, Sir (Henry) Paul (1869-1948)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Web. 29 March 2009.
Last modified 13 August 2016