(October 9, 2023) CFP: Recovering Lost Voices 19th Century British Literature (Call for Book Chapters) [Description and call for papers]
(September 30, 2023) CFP: Spectrums of Embodiment in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture (Panel Session, 55th NeMLA Annual Conference. March 7-10, 2024, Boston, Massachusetts.) [Description and call for papers]
(September 30, 2023) CFP: The Promise and Precarity of Surplus Women in the 19th Century (NeMLA Annual Conference, March 7-10, 2024, Boston Massachusetts) [Description and call for papers]
(September 15, 2023) CFP: Victorian Affects, Online Workshop (DACH Victorianists Network, December 8, 2023) [Description and call for papers]
(September 15, 2023) CFP: Nineteenth-Century Global Cities and Urban Worlds: An International Symposium (Aix-Marseille University, Schuman campus, 6-8 June, 2024) [Description and call for papers]
(September 1, 2023) CFP: Victorian Periodicals Review (Special Issue on Pedagogy, Guest Edited by Lindsy Lawrence, to be published fall 2024) [Description and call for papers]
(September 1, 2023) CFP: The Nineteenth Century Today: Interdisciplinary, International, Intertemporal (online and in person; July 10-12, 2024, Durham University, UK.) [Description and call for papers]
(August 31) CFP: Translating Nineteenth-Century European Classics in Vernacular Languages of South Asia (Routledge series on South Asian Literature in Focus) [Description and call for papers]
(August 15, 2023) CFP: Victorian Waters, a conference of the Australasian Victorian Studies Association (University of Adelaide, Australia, November 17 and 18 2023) [Description and call for papers]
(June 30, 2023) CFP: Notes from the Nile: Egypt in the Long Nineteenth Century (University of Birmingham, September 15, 2023) [Description and call for papers]
(extended to June 15, 2023) CFP: Special topics on Victorian Hospitality ( Victorians Journal, Winter Issue, 2023) [ Description and call for papers]
(March 1, 2023) CFP: Colonising and Decolonising the Irish Nineteenth Century (June 22-23, 2023) [ Description and call for papers ]
(2-3 February 2023) Hitting the Road! Travel Experiences and Narratives of the Victorian and Edwardian Era University of Tours, France. [description and call for papers]
The Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies — announcement of its founding and call for papers in its journal. [description and call for papers]
(15-17 July October 2022) Gladstone Umbrella conference. [description and call for papers]
(20 May 2022) Four Nations and Beyond: Periodical Studies and National Identities in the British Isles and Ireland [description and call for papers]
(24th April 2022) 'Radical Thinking in the Long Nineteenth Century' [description and call for papers]
(8-10 April 2022) Recovery (at the Northeast Victorian Studies Association [description and call for papers]
(6-8 April 2022) Transnationality in the Nineteenth-Century: Decolonising Networks of Exchange, Circulation and Exhibition.
(16-19 March 2022) Radicalism and Reform (at the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association conference) [description and call for papers]
(6-7 September 2022) The Past as Nightmare — An interdisciplinary conference at the University of Reading (UK) [description and call for papers]
(24-27 March 2022) Nineteenth-Century Strata (Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference), Salt Lake City, Utah. [description and call for papers]
(19-20 February 2022) Call for Papers on Communities for an Online Conference organized by the Historical Fictions Research Network [description and call for papers]
(7-8 October 2022) Victorian Apocalypse, Clarke Library, UCLA (directions for registering)
(31 August 2021) Call for Papers for the Victorian Review: Victorian Scandals. [description and call for papers]
(14 July 2021) Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom. [description and invitation]
(23–24 June 2021) Opium Wars – Opium Cultures [List of presentations]
(15-17 October 2020) Victorian Transitions — Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association for the Western United States. [description and call for papers]
20 April 2020. “Africa, Diaspora, and the British Empire: Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom” —A Virtual Roundtable. Sponsored by the Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) at Arizona State University. [description of the roundtable]

Last modified 3 August 2023